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Looking for community support? Join our Monthly Patient Fireside Chats 



We have curated a large collection of support resources based on your unique and specific needs. Please review or share with someone who could benefit from extra support. 


Education & Prevention

The damage that leads to adult skin cancers starts in childhood and teenage years, as people are likely to receive about 80% of their lifetime sun exposure during the first 18 years of life. 

No tan is a safe tan.​



Support Groups

You are not alone. Here is a collection of  support you might find useful. 


Our Initiatives

We have three key initiatives that we are very proud to share with you.

Our Story

Save Your Skin Foundation (SYSF) is a patient-led organization dedicated to the fight against non-melanoma skin cancers, melanoma, and ocular melanoma through education, advocacy, and awareness initiatives across Canada. SYSF provides a community of oncology patient and caregiver support throughout the entire continuum of care, from prevention and diagnosis to survivorship.

Together, we can offer hope and support.  Donate or join us today. 

Save Your Skin Foundation (SYSF) is a patient-led organization dedicated to the fight against non-melanoma skin cancers, mela

The I’m Living Proof initiative is a program intended to provide a wealth of information, resources, and support to those touched by the disease, while also connecting you to a community of survivors who have shared their stories. This initiative is borne from Save Your Skin Founder Kathy’s desire to ensure that those diagnosed with melanoma know that surviving melanoma is possible –“I’m Living Proof.”

Together, we can make a difference. 

Since 2006, Save Your Skin Foundation has worked to raise awareness of melanoma and non-melanoma skin cancers focusing on education, support, and improved patient care.

Recent News

Save Your Skin Foundation

Save Your Skin Foundation is a proud resource for melanoma under the National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN), making us a leading authority on melanoma and skin cancers.

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